var SPECIAL_DAYS = {}; function dateIsSpecial(year, month, day) { var m = SPECIAL_DAYS[month]; if (!m) return false; for (var i in m) if (m[i] == day) return true; return false; }; function dateChanged(calendar) { // Beware that this function is called even if the end-user only // changed the month/year. In order to determine if a date was // clicked you can use the dateClicked property of the calendar: if (calendar.dateClicked) { // OK, a date was clicked, redirect to /yyyy/mm/dd/index.php var y =; var m =; // integer, 0..11 var d =; // integer, 1..31 if (m<10 && d<10){ window.location = "/offres/gestion/events_628_d"+y+"-0"+m+"-0"+d+"d_non.html"; } else if (m>=10 && d<10){ window.location = "/offres/gestion/events_628_d"+y+"-"+m+"-0"+d+"d_non.html"; } else if (m<10 && d>=10){ window.location = "/offres/gestion/events_628_d"+y+"-0"+m+"-"+d+"d_non.html"; } else{ window.location = "/offres/gestion/events_628_d"+y+"-"+m+"-"+d+"d_non.html"; } } }; function showCalendar(id, format, showsTime, showsOtherMonths) { if (_dynarch_popupCalendar != null) { // we already have some calendar created _dynarch_popupCalendar.hide(); // so we hide it first. } else { // first-time call, create the calendar. var cal = new Calendar(1, null, selected, closeHandler); // uncomment the following line to hide the week numbers // cal.weekNumbers = false; if (typeof showsTime == "string") { cal.showsTime = true; cal.time24 = (showsTime == "24"); } if (showsOtherMonths) { cal.showsOtherMonths = true; } _dynarch_popupCalendar = cal; // remember it in the global var cal.setRange(1900, 2070); // min/max year allowed. cal.create(); } _dynarch_popupCalendar.setDateFormat(format); // set the specified date format _dynarch_popupCalendar.parseDate(el.value); // try to parse the text in field _dynarch_popupCalendar.sel = el; // inform it what input field we use // the reference element that we pass to showAtElement is the button that // triggers the calendar. In this example we align the calendar bottom-right // to the button. _dynarch_popupCalendar.showAtElement(el.nextSibling, "Br"); // show the calendar return false; } var oldLink = null; // code to change the active stylesheet function setActiveStyleSheet(link, title) { var i, a, main; for(i=0; (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]); i++) { if(a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1 && a.getAttribute("title")) { a.disabled = true; if(a.getAttribute("title") == title) a.disabled = false; } } if (oldLink) = 'normal'; oldLink = link; = 'bold'; return false; } // This function gets called when the end-user clicks on some date. function selected(cal, date) { cal.sel.value = date; // just update the date in the input field. if (cal.dateClicked && ( == "sel1" || == "sel3")) // just to exemplify both cases, we are using this only for the 1st // and the 3rd field, while 2nd and 4th will still require double-click. cal.callCloseHandler(); } // And this gets called when the end-user clicks on the _selected_ date, // or clicks on the "Close" button. It just hides the calendar without // destroying it. function closeHandler(cal) { cal.hide(); // hide the calendar // cal.destroy(); _dynarch_popupCalendar = null; } // This function shows the calendar under the element having the given id. // It takes care of catching "mousedown" signals on document and hiding the // calendar if the click was outside. function showCalendar(id, format, showsTime, showsOtherMonths) { var el = document.getElementById(id); if (_dynarch_popupCalendar != null) { // we already have some calendar created _dynarch_popupCalendar.hide(); // so we hide it first. } else { // first-time call, create the calendar. var cal = new Calendar(1, null, selected, closeHandler); // uncomment the following line to hide the week numbers cal.weekNumbers = false; if (typeof showsTime == "string") { cal.showsTime = true; cal.time24 = (showsTime == "24"); } if (showsOtherMonths) { cal.showsOtherMonths = true; } _dynarch_popupCalendar = cal; // remember it in the global var cal.setRange(1900, 2070); // min/max year allowed. cal.create(); } _dynarch_popupCalendar.setDateFormat(format); // set the specified date format _dynarch_popupCalendar.parseDate(el.value); // try to parse the text in field _dynarch_popupCalendar.sel = el; // inform it what input field we use // the reference element that we pass to showAtElement is the button that // triggers the calendar. In this example we align the calendar bottom-right // to the button. _dynarch_popupCalendar.showAtElement(el.nextSibling, "Br"); // show the calendar return false; } var MINUTE = 60 * 1000; var HOUR = 60 * MINUTE; var DAY = 24 * HOUR; var WEEK = 7 * DAY; // parameter will be disabled. In this example we enable // only days within a range of 10 days from the current // date. // You can use the functions date.getFullYear() -- returns the year // as 4 digit number, date.getMonth() -- returns the month as 0..11, // and date.getDate() -- returns the date of the month as 1..31, to // make heavy calculations here. However, beware that this function // should be very fast, as it is called for each day in a month when // the calendar is (re)constructed. function isDisabled(date) { var today = new Date(); return (Math.abs(date.getTime() - today.getTime()) / DAY) > 10; } function flatSelected(cal, date) { var el = document.getElementById("preview"); el.innerHTML = date; } function showFlatCalendar() { var parent = document.getElementById("display"); // construct a calendar giving only the "selected" handler. var cal = new Calendar(0, null, flatSelected); // hide week numbers cal.weekNumbers = false; // We want some dates to be disabled; see function isDisabled above cal.setDisabledHandler(isDisabled); cal.setDateFormat("%A, %B %e"); // this call must be the last as it might use data initialized above; if // we specify a parent, as opposite to the "showCalendar" function above, // then we create a flat calendar -- not popup. Hidden, though, but... cal.create(parent); // ... we can show it here.; } function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { oldonload(); func(); } } } addLoadEvent(function() { Calendar.setup( { flat : "calendar-container", date : new Date(2017,(11-1),21), flatCallback : dateChanged, // our callback function dateStatusFunc : function(date, y, m, d) { if (dateIsSpecial(y, m, d)) return "special"; else return false; // other dates are enabled } } ); } );